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Increase Blog Traffic

Increasing Blog/Site Traffic is a big headache. Always you will read about things that would bring in huge traffic for your blog , but those things never work for all bloggers.

Always you will read that Backlinks will get you traffic or you need to post comment on blogs to get traffic , but those things also never work for most bloggers.

There are people who buy traffic , but does that work ?
Does that make people read your contents ?

Answer is BIG NO .

People comimg from backlinks or purchased traffic only create high bounce rate rather than solving your problem.

Advertising could be one solution for getting traffic , but only 7% of the traffic is genuine others create high bounce rate, also it would mean paying for advertisements.

Now the question is how to get free and worthwhile traffic ?

The answer is by having contents that would relate to global audience , though the traffic level won't increase overnight but regular periodic worthwhile content will bring large frequent traffic.

So guyz and galz write worthy contents. Cheers

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