badge My Byte: Do Keywords Increase Web-Site Traffic ???? ondragstart="return false" onselectstart="return false"

Do Keywords Increase Web-Site Traffic ????

Increasing Traffic to your Website is one big Problem , but wat really increases a website traffic specially incase of blogs .Most blogs don't seem to have heavy traffic, hence such blogs have low visibilty on the net.

If u search the Internet u will get all sort of information on how to increase website traffic.

The main thing about attracting traffic has more to do with the product itself i.e the website . If your website does have large chunk of info. on all subjects it is bound to attract traffic provided u have proper Marketing Strategies in Place.

SEO is the most important part in attracting traffic to your websites.

If u go around searching in Google , u will notice that special emphasis has been made on Keywords i.e the Words that r most searched by the people on the Internet Search sites like Google , Yahoo etc.

If u still do more probing u will find there r websites which fill in these keywords to attract traffic to their websites and when u click on these keywords u are directed to Articles/Posts that have nothing to do with the info. u r trying to search on the World-wide Web.

Keywords are nothing but a back-door entry to increase website traffic. But certaintly it is not the only Component that attracts traffic on a website.

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