badge My Byte: IPL , MARKETING and LALIT MODI . ondragstart="return false" onselectstart="return false"


IPL has been a gr8 success , inspite of being a domestic event .INDIANS r crazy about cricket but not domestic games .

The way SPECTATORS have responded at each and every venue has been a treat to watch .

No one wud have betted on something like IPL to bring in crowds , but such has been the Marketing strategy of Lalit Modi that it became popular worldwide.

Though the franchisee do not seem to make much money from ticket sales , but the power of Marketing strategies r taking them to bank counters such has been the impact Mr. Lalit Modi has made , he has been truely instrumental in bringing the crowds to the venue and which in turn has helped Lalit Modi to get tons of Advertisers waiting in queue for their share to get associated with a world class domestic event .

IPL has been seen as an idea of Lalit Modi but the credit shud go mainly to ICL , without which i doubt there wud have been birth of IPL .

Right now Lalit Modi has been sidelined from IPL , for his not so famous twitteries .

I believe BCCI needs a person like Lalit Modi in Marketing Department to make IPL brand more popular.

Look at the recent ICC world T20 event hardly there r any local spectators most of them r migrants or tourist. This is the main reason for IPL's success , its local crowd have gone crazy about it and have flooded the stadia during matches , which inturn has brought in Advertisers for IPL in plenty.

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